Imagine a world where beings from another planet land on Earth, bringing with them a unique and fascinating way of communicating with the outside world. Through light and sound, these visitors invite us to an avant-garde show that goes beyond the conventional.
This show not only uses light and percussion in an innovative way, but also incorporates pyrotechnic elements that add a touch of magic and emotion. Each moment is designed to leave an indelible impression on the spectator, offering an experience full of originality and dynamism.
On stage, the energy of the drums will take you to new heights, creating a vibrant and enveloping atmosphere. "Drimuns" is more than a show; it is a sensory journey that will make you feel the power and passion of intergalactic communication.
Get ready to experience unforgettable moments and let yourself be carried away by the creativity and movement on stage. Don't miss this opportunity to reach the top with the energy of their drums and the magic of light!
Monday to Friday from 9:00h - 20:00h
Online Every day 24h
C/ Avenida de la Innovación, 11
San José de la Rinconada, 41300
Seville, Spain
José Muñoz / 618 47 29 68
International dialling code (+34)